June in a nutshell


Well... I hope the suspense wasn't killing you - but I did graduate with my Master's on June 10th! Paul and my mom did a little conspiring and was ultimately surprised with my mom flying in from Alaska for the special day. Here are a couple pictures!
A shout out to Katie and Lauren for joining in on the festivities of the day!

And here we have my fabulous cohort of friends who I have spend the last 3 years growing with!

June also brought a fun get away with a group of friends to Sequim Washington where we rented a big ol house. We kayaked, ate lots of bad-for-you food, hot-tubbed, played lots of games, saw deers and seals, played on a zip line, visited hurricane ridge, and had a few delightful naps!

June was generally a month of celebrating life and friends

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