Levi Daniel, you are 18 months old!
These last few months have been full of tremendous growth! Just before you turned 17 months you, with prompting you started taking your first steps. At first, mama or papa would set you a foot away from us and you would take 2-3 steps to give us a hug. Then you started to build up to 7-10 steps to walk between us. A few days after you turned 17 months you just started getting up and walking. Now you are all over the place. You have started running and you are very interested in trying to jump like Elijah. It has been so much fun for mama and papa to see your persistence and hard work pay off.
Your vocabulary is growing each day. You have the words that you use all the time like "Up Please", "Help Please", "Mama", "Ball","Book" "Mickey", "Milk", "doggy", "bath", "Ow", and "Eliyah". You are also trying out new words and phrases from us all the time. You adamantly refuse to call Papa anything other than "Mama". Sometimes Papa tries to coax you into saying papa but you always look him square in the eye and say "Mama!"
Levi, you love listening to music. You appreciate any type of music. When the music starts up, you start wiggling your whole body and your face lights up. You also really love your stuffed Baby Mickey. Mickey often goes everywhere with you, and if you get somewhere and you don't have Mickey - you get pretty upset. It's so cute hearing you say Mickey. Sometimes when you're having a bad day you'll be comforted by snuggling Mickey.
You love imitating whatever Elijah is doing. You have become quite the climber, just the other day mama looked over and you were sitting on the dining room table. You love taking baths with Elijah! As soon as we say bath you are trying to climb into the tub. Your favorite part seems to be kicking, splashing, and making as much of a mess as possible! When we are at the park you loving being pushed in the swings or climbing up and going down slides. You are brave and go straight for the biggest slide!
Your sleep has been great. Typically you go down in the 7pm hour and are asleep by 8pm. You often get up sometime between 6am-7am. Some mornings you play quietly in your crib and other mornings you wake Elijah up. If we are home during the day, you will go down for two solid naps at 9:30am and 2pm. However, many mornings we are out and about and you will take a quick car nap in the morning and then a longer nap at 1pm.
Levi, you are less interested in food these days. Some meals it seems like you eat very little, unless it is in fruit form or milk in your sippy cup. The foods you seem to enjoy regularly are: blueberry oatmeal, cheerios, mini pancakes, cheese, blueberries, raspberries and grapes.
Your personality has grown quite a bit these last few months. Your tantrums are usually around Elijah having something that you want. You have actually gotten more physical with Elijah. You are not afraid to pull on him, grab his hair, or climb on him. You get pretty jealous if Elijah is getting special time with mama or papa and you definitely want to insert yourself. You will scream or cry if you see Elijah getting something before you such as another helping of dinner - even if your plate is still full.
During the week, you are often busy playing in different classroom settings such as at church, mama's workout classes, MOPS, or at Bible study. You love when we have friends over for play dates. You enjoy special time with grandparents, like when we celebrated grandpa's birthday or when grandma came for a visit for Halloween. You also recently took a trip to Boston!
These next few months we think you are looking forward to celebrating New Years at the beach with the Kaetzels, grow your vocabulary, enjoy visits from friends and celebrate your 2nd Birthday!
Here are few photos and videos from the last six months.