{Levi Daniel - 1 Year Old}


Levi Daniel, you are one year old!

It is hard to believe you are already a year old. When mama and papa were planning your birthday party, we easily came up with the theme of "One Happy Camper". Your disposition has been such a delight and enjoyment in our family. You are always full of smiles and giggles.

Once we arrived home from visiting Europe you transitioned well with getting back into our rhythm and routines. You love crawling all around to explore new places and the house. Your curiosity even had you starting to climb the stairs, much to papa's chagrin. The one nice part is that you will wait for mama and papa to help you.... for now.

Levi you are such an adventurous eater these days. You are willing to try any type of food we put in front of you from roasted Brussels sprouts to smoothies. You seem to really enjoy trying new tastes and new textures. We know this won't last for long, but we are really enjoying watching you explore in this phase.

Levi, you enjoy playing with Elijah if he can find a way to incorporate you into the play. Just recently mama heard Elijah pulling things out from the pantry, when I turned the corner you and Elijah were sitting on a yoga mat having a picnic. Papa and I pray for this budding friendship. Our hope is that no matter what happens in life you boys will always know you have each other and will be there for each other. So far, you are off to a great start!

For your first birthday celebration we had a party at our church! It was a great day celebrating with our community of friends and family. We had a breakfast taco bar, a photo booth, crafts for bigger kids, delicious cookies, and a fun Smores cake! You loved having your Poppy in town to visit and enjoyed being the center of attention. You really tore into your birthday cake. I'm not sure how much cake you actually ate, but you sure did have fun smashing it and throwing it around.

Levi in the next 6 months we're excited to see you learning to walk, getting to enjoy the summer and playing in the water, learning your first set of words, and going on many adventures with mama, papa, and Elijah.

Here are a few photos and a video from your 12th month of life.

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