Micah Owen, you are two months old!
Micah you are a very calm and delightful little guy. At around 6 weeks old you started smiling and cooing when you are awake. You are very generous with your smiles and it is so sweet. You love it when your brothers play around you and show you their latest creations. You seem to especially love when the boys lie on their backs with you on your activity mat. You smile, coo at them, and stick out your tongue. If your brothers become too loud or excited you will let them know by kicking your legs, getting fussy, or letting out a loud cry. You don't cry often, but will briefly cry when you are waking up from sleeping or when you are hungry. That cry is strong and fierce, but as soon as you hear our voices or you get picked up you are a happy camper.
At two months you weigh 15lbs, 4oz (93rd percentile) and you are 24.8 inches long (97th percentile). You are quickly growing out of 3 month size clothes. During this last month we transitioned you from breastfeeding and supplementing with bottles to solely bottle feeding. Mama was struggling with your latch and because we could not see a lactation consultant in person, it just made the most sense to go to bottles. While this was sad for Mama as she really enjoys the time to connect, it opened up more opportunities for Papa to connect with you and he really enjoys his special time feeding you at night and on the weekends.
Developmentally we see your eyes tracking what is around you. You follow our faces, our hands, and you will turn your head when you hear Mama, Papa, or your brothers. You also are tracking your own hand movement. You haven't figured out that you're moving your own hand, but that connection is coming soon!
You are falling into a more consistent routine with eating and sleeping. You are typically awake for 60-75 minutes. When you wake up you have your bottle and then have playtime. For play you like to hang out on your play mat and look at your hands or the toys that hang above you, sit in your bouncer seat, take a bath, or be held. After play time you have little squeaks that you start making to let us know that you are tired but the cutest sign that you are tired is that you furrow your brow and the brow line starts to turn red. During the day you typically nap in your swing because that is the easiest spot to put you while mama chases your big brothers around. At night you sleep in a bassinet in the downstairs bedroom. Your naps are usually 45 minutes to 3 hours long and you usually have around 4 naps a day. Naps get shorter as the day goes on, we think this corresponds with your brothers getting louder in the late afternoon. At night your stretches of sleep have continued to increase, you've been doing one 5 to 7 hour stretch each night which allows Mama and Papa to get at least one decent uninterrupted chunk of sleep. You have also had a few evenings recently where you wake up, fuss for a few minutes and then put yourself back to sleep. Typically, you go to sleep for the night sometime after 8pm and you do a dream feed around 10pm, after that yourlonger stretch of sleep. You will typically wake from your long stretch of sleep in the early morning and do one more feed/sleep and then are up for the day anywhere between 6am and 8am.
Micah, as a third born, you would normally be carted all over the place to get your brothers to where they need to be. Since we are in a season of staying at home, our days move slower and truly revolve more around you. It has been a sweet time of enjoying having a baby in the house, your presence brings us all so much joy. You are loved fiercely little guy!
Here are some few photos from your second month of life.
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